Terms & Conditions
These terms are applicable when booking an IT Masterclasses course.
If you have any questions, or require further information then please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.

Details of Terms and Conditions
Company Information
Company Registration number: 08930156
VAT Registration number: 240955113
Cancellation terms
Upon receipt of payment, purchase order, written, verbal or email confirmation, if you wish to cancel the course within 10 working days you will be charged the full amount.
We reserve the right to cancel, curtail or re-schedule training courses or events, in which case it shall use reasonable endeavours to notify you. In the event of cancellation, we shall refund the course fees which you have already paid in advance in relation to the cancelled course.
Courseware is non-refundable.
Please note we will not be liable for any other costs incurred, i.e. hotel and transport bookings.
Payment terms
All prices quoted exclude VAT (which will be charged at the current rate).
Payment is required prior to the training course taking place. Late payments may result in interest being charged at 4% per calendar month of net value of the invoice for every day overdue.
If you cancel or alter the date of a training course, then this may incur charges. If IT Masterclasses have pre-purchased items for your course (such as courseware, or room hire) then these costs will be chargeable.
All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
No association or authorisation is intended or implied to any company or organisation without explicit reference to that agreement.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct statement can be viewed here.
General Data Protection Regulations
We will only hold personal data relevant to the purposes for which it is processed, i.e. to ensure that we can provide our service to you. Any personal data which is no longer needed will be deleted.
Only trained, specific members of staff are allowed access to data and staff are trained in GDPR compliance and understand their responsibilities. We do not share or provide access to any of your data with third parties.
Contact details
In the event of general queries, we may be contacted by telephone on +44 (0)7919 293094, or by e-mail on info@itmasterclasses.com.